Evaluation of the treatment results of long-healing ulcers of the lower extremities in the elderly

PGS.TS.BS Võ Thành Toàn

Lower extremity ulcers have a variety of causes, most commonly on the ankles and feet; progression for a long time, often exposed tendons, bones and severe accompanying patients. Treatment of ulcers that take a long time to heal lower extremities requires surgical intervention. Treatment of systemic disease, then skin grafting, skin flap transfer contributes to faster healing of ulcers.



Đánh giá kết quả điều trị vết loét lâu liền chi dưới ở người lớn bằng tại Bệnh viện Thống Nhất.

Objects and methods

40 patients aged 60 years and older with long-healing lower extremity ulcers due to various causes were treated at the Trauma Department.
Orthopedic Hospital, Thong Nhat Hospital from 1/2018 to 1/2019.


Có 20 ca ghép da với tỉ lệ sống 75 – 100%; 4 ca được chuyển vạt hiển che phủ với 3 vạt sống hoàn toàn; 8 ca chuyển skin flap cân cẳng chân cuống ngoại vi sống hoàn toàn. Chuyển vạt cân mỡ với 4 ca vết thương chậm liền. Ngoài ra có 4 ca chuyển vạt cơ sinh đôi thành công.


Lower extremity ulcers have a variety of causes, most commonly on the ankles and feet; progression for a long time, often exposed tendons, bones and severe accompanying patients. Treatment of ulcers that take a long time to heal lower extremities requires surgical intervention. Treatment of systemic disease, then skin grafting, skin flap transfer contributes to faster healing of ulcers.




Evaluation results treatment of long term lower extremities ulcer in elder at Thong Nhat hospital. Materials and methods: 40patients aged
60 and over with long-term ulcers of lower extremities due to many causes are treated at the Department of Trauma and Orthopedics from January 2018 to January 2019.


There are 20 cases of skin grafting with the survival rate of 75 – 100%, 4 cases of being transformed to cover flap with 3 completely successful flaps; 8 cases of skin flap transfer with lower legs, completely successful peripheral stem flaps. Transfer fat flap with 4 cases of slow healing. Print
addition, there are 4 successful twins flap transfers.


Lower limb ulcers have a variety of causes, most commonly in the ankles and feet; Progressing over a long period of time, often
revealing tendons, bones and patients with severe comorbidity. Treatment of ulcers for long-term healing of lower extremities requires surgical intervention. Systemic treatment followed by skin grafting; skin flap transfer contributes to faster recovery of ulcers.

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