Fracture of the thoracic spine – Lumbar

PGS.TS.BS Võ Thành Toàn
Gãy Cột Sống Ngực – Thắt Lưng


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Figure 12.1. Mechanism of injury

1: Axis 2: Fold 3: Lateral compression 4: Rotational flexion 5: Tension flexion 6: Tear-tear 7: Stretch [1]

DENIS .'s 3-column and space concept

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Figure 12.2. Three columns according to Denis [1]

– Stable: 1 . column settlement fracture

– Mechanical instability: from 2 to 3 columns but no paralysis: broken 2 anterior columns, tension folded fracture

- Unstable nerves: broken many pieces

– Mechanical and neurological instability: dislocation.


  • Subsidence fracture (Figure 12.3)
  • Multi-fragmentation (Burst Fracture) (Figure 12.4A)
  • Flexion-Distraction (Figure 12.4B)
  • Dislocation (Tear) (Figure 12.4C)

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Figure 12.3. Subsidence fracture [1]


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Figure 12.4. Multiple fractures, tension fractures, and dislocations [1]


Strong fracture

Also known as subsidence fracture - conservative treatment.

  • Stay in bed for 4 weeks
  • Or 4 weeks thoracic-waist brace (Figure 12.5)

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Figure 12.5. Chest brace – three-point belt

Mechanically unstable fracture (no paralysis)

2, 3 column fractures – tension flexed fracture.

  • Conservative treatment such as 4.1
  • Surgery: bone grafting (anterior or posterior) + bone fusion device (anterior or posterior) (Figure 12.6 and Figure 12.7).

Nerve instability (with paralysis): multiple fractures

Surgical treatment: decompression + anterior bone graft + bone fusion device (anterior or posterior) (Figures 12.6, 12.7).

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Figure 12.6. Bone graft surgery – combining bones in the front way Figure 12.7. Posterior bone fusion surgery

Mechanical and neurological unstable fracture: dislocation.

Surgical treatment: manipulation + bone grafting + posterior fusion (Figure 12.7).



  1. Nguyen Quang Long (2005). Department of Trauma - Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Fractures of the spine - lumbar spine, Lectures on Trauma Pathology - Orthopedics and Rehabilitation.
  2. Campbell's operative orthopedics, 11th edition,Vol. 2, (2008): Thoracic and lumbosacral fractures, Goerce Wood II, pp.1810-1829.
  3. Chapman's orthopeadic surgery, 3rd edition, chapter 139, 4, Thoraco lumbar fructures. Robert F. McLain, Damiel. pp.3713-3746.
  4. Skeletal trauma 2nd edition, 1, (1998). Thoracic and upper lumbar spine imfuries, Steven
  5. Garfin et al, pp.947-1034.
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