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PGS.TS.BS Võ Thành Toàn

Prospective study, from July 2006 to July 2010, we studied 45 patients, from 17 to 50 years old, diagnosed meniscus tear knee and underwent endoscopic meniscal stitches using outside-in, inside-out and all inside techniques.



Evaluation of the results of laparoscopic suture surgery meniscus knee joint.

Method of study

Prospective study, from July 2006 to July 2010, we studied 45 patients, from 17 to 50 years old, diagnosed meniscus tear knee and underwent endoscopic meniscal stitches using outside-in, inside-out and all inside techniques.


Through 45 patients in our study, the proportion of men accounted for 62.2%, nearly 2 times higher than that of women, 37.8%. The main cause is sports injuries accounting for a fairly high rate of 64.7%. The most common age group is from 21 to 30 (46.7%). Postoperative outcome: 16/45 (35.6%) is very good, 26/45 (66%) good, 2/45 (4.4%) moderate, 1/45(2.2%) bad.


Indications to suture meniscal lesions in trauma are increasingly noticed and bring better results in terms of knee function for patients, reducing long-term complications such as: osteoarthritis.

Tìm hiểu thêm các chuyên đề khác




Evaluate the results arthoscopic meniscus suture.


Prospective study. From 7/2006 to 7/2010, we studied 45 patients, from 17 to 50 years old, were diagnosed with tearing meniscus and were treated with arthroscopic meniscus suture by outside-in, inside-out and all inside techniques.

The result

Over 45 patients in our study, the rate of men accounting for 62.2%, almost 2 times higher for women is 37.8%. The main reason is due to sport a high percentage of 64.7%. The most common age is between 21 and 30 (46.7%). Results after surgery: 16/45 (35.6%) is very good, 26/45 (66%) good, 2/45 (4.4%) medium, 1/45 (2.2%) bad.


The indication suture meniscus tear in trauma more attention and give better results on knee function for patients, reducing the long-term complications such as arthritis

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