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Gãy Xương Thuyền
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Gãy xương thuyền

1. TỔNG QUAN Xương thuyền là một xương định hướng xiên nằm ở mặt quay của cổ tay. Là một xương cổ tay quan trọng,

Viêm Gân Calci Hóa Khớp Vai
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Viêm gân Calci hóa khớp vai

1. TỔNG QUAN Bệnh lý quanh chóp xoay khớp vai bao gồm nhiều bệnh lý khác nhau, trong đó viêm gân calci hóa thường hay

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Fibrous Dysplasia

Fibrous dysplasia of bone is a chronic, benign, non-hereditary bone disease in which normal bones

Tật thừa ngón
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Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

OVERVIEW Definition Muscular dystrophy must have the following five characteristics: Is a muscle disease defined by symptoms

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Spine TB

BACKGROUND Tuberculosis of the spine is a specific bacterial infection of the joints and discs caused by the tubercle bacilli (bacilli de kock, w.

Bệnh co rút Dupuytren
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Osteomyelitis - AMERICAN MEDICAL DEFINITION This is an acute infection of the bone and bone marrow secondary to non-traumatic,

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Bone Tumors And Software

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Upon completion, students should be able to: State and analyze the importance of combining

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DEFINITIONS Osteoarthritis is a degenerative degenerative disease of the joints, first manifested in articular cartilage, then there are changes in the joints.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome

OVERVIEW Definition The carpal tunnel is a closed cavity through which the median nerve and 9 flexor tendons pass. Ancient pipe wall


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